ASCII text
title: "Proposed system font stacks" topics: ["web", "typography", "fonts", "css", "design"] DATE: 2024-12-27 ---
I've seen Modern Font Stacks. I agree that there are many cases where system fonts are fine, but the stacks there have some problems, especially with GNU/Linux devices.
On GNU/Linux, there are usually two sets of metrically-compatible Microsoft font clones: Liberation and GNU FreeFont. They have a huge difference. Liberation are original designs, but not very good ones. FreeFont are descended from TeX fonts, so they look almost exactly like Helvetica, Times and Courier.
The stacks
system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, "Noto Sans", "Segoe UI", Inter, Cantarell, Ubuntu, "DejaVu Sans", "Bitstream Vera Sans", "Sans", "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", "Lucida Grande", sans-serif
These fonts are used by the OS and designed to be pleasant to read at any size, and have features such as weights.
Note how the intent is to avoid Arial and Liberation fonts, which are not very pleasant.
is a standard, but not all browsers support it.-apple-system
are pre-standard names for the system font that only work on Apple devices.Roboto is the font in Android and some GNU/Linux distributions.
Noto Sans is the fallback font for Roboto, as well as the font of KDE.
Segoe UI is the font of Windows.
Inter will likely be the font of GNOME in the future.
Cantarell is the font of GNOME (at least until they change it to Inter).
Ubuntu is the font of Ubuntu (obviously).
DejaVu Sans was popular on many Unixes in the past.
Bitstream Vera Sans is the font DejaVu Sans was based on.
Sans usually refers to one of the above two fonts on GNU/Linux.
Helvetica Neue was the old font of MacOS and iOS.
Helvetica was the even older font of iOS.
Lucida Grande was the even older font of MacOS.
sans-serif is the generic sans-serif font.
Transitional serif
Charter, "Bitstream Charter", "Source Serif 4", "Source Serif Pro", source-serif-pro, "Noto Serif", "FreeSerif", "Nimbus Roman", "Times New Roman", "Times", serif
Transitional serifs appeared around 1750 and feature medium contrast.
The intent here is also to avoid Liberation Serif, so FreeSerif/Nimbus Roman (which are an actual clone of Times) are preferred to Times New Roman which falls back to Liberation Serif on most GNU/Linux distributions. In my opinion Cambria, used in the original Modern Font Stacks, is not a very nice font.
Old style serif
Garamond, Palatino, "Palatino Linotype", "URW Palladio L", "Book Antiqua", "URW Bookman L", Bookman, P052, C059, serif;
Old style serifs appeared early, in the Renaissance period, and were developed from calligraphy.
Humanist sans
Cantarell, "Gill Sans Nova", "Gill Sans", "Gill Sans MT", Lato, "Source Sans Pro", "Source Sans 3", source-sans-pro, Skeena, Candara, Ubuntu, "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida Sans", "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif
Humanist sans serifs, unlike neo-grotesques, have rounder shapes and more stroke contrast, and usually, true italics.
This is very different from the Modern Font Stacks one. I don't like the idea of using Ubuntu when Cantarell and Lato exist, which are much closer to a humanist font that isn't very unusual.
Geometric sans
"Futura PT", "Futura LT", Futura, Lexend, "Readex Pro", Avenir, "Avenir Next", "Century Gothic", "Avant Garde", "URW Gothic", sans-serif
Geometric sans serifs are usually based on circles and straight lines. They first appeared in the 1920s.
Again, I've included some free fonts that don't suck.
Neo-grotesque GUI
Roboto, Inter, "SF Pro", Aptos, Geist, FreeSans, "Nimbus Sans", "Helvetica Neue", system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, sans-serif
Neo-grotesque fonts are a category of sans-serif typefaces that have more complex shapes than geometric fonts, but lower contrast than humanist fonts. This stack prefers the more modern fonts which appeared in the digital era.
Yes, I'm avoiding excessive spreading of Inter.
Neo-grotesque (Swiss)
FreeSans, "Nimbus Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Aptos, Geist, Inter, Roboto, "SF Pro", "Microsoft Sans Serif", Arial, sans-serif
This prefers Helvetica or its clones, more classic neo-grotesque fonts.
Monospace (slab/typewriter)
"Courier Prime", FreeMono, "Cutive Mono", Nimbus Mono PS", "Courier New", Courier, monospace
Monospaced fonts have the same width for all characters. This has a preference for fonts like Courier which use slab serifs and originate from typewriters.
Monospace (sans/code)
ui-monospace, "Roboto Mono", "Source Code Pro", source-code-pro, "SF Mono", "IBM Plex Mono", Inconsolata, Menlo, Consolas, "Droid Sans Mono", "DMCA Sans Serif", "Hack", "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", monospace
This prefers sans-serif monospace fonts that are not too quirky and are designed for technical applications.
"Cascadia Code", "Fira Code", "Fira Mono", "JetBrains Mono", "Ubuntu Mono", "Operator Mono", "Roboto Mono", "Source Code Pro", "SF Mono", "IBM Plex Mono", "Inconsolata", "Menlo", "Consolas", "Droid Sans Mono", "DMCA Sans Serif", "Hack", "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", monospace
Of course, this prefers "fun" coding fonts with script italics, low f bar, unusual digits, and let's not forget ligatures!
"SF Pro", apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "San Francisco", Inter, Roboto, Geist, FreeSans, "Nimbus Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, "Arial Nova", "Arial", sans-serif
This is for all who want to be like Apple - that is the major reason they prefer Inter.
I-wanna-be-a-mac mono
"SF Mono", "JetBrains Mono", "Roboto Mono", ui-monospace, "Geist Mono", "Fira Mono", "Fira Code", Hack, "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", Menlo, Consolas, monospace
This copies SF Mono.
"D-DIN", Bahnschrift, Grandview, "DIN Alternate", "FF DIN", "URW DIN", DIN, "Alte DIN", "Alte DIN 1451", "Alte DIN 1451 Mittelschrift", Barlow, "SF Compact", "SF Pro", Inter, Roboto, sans-serif
Industrial typefaces generally use straight lines instead of ellipses, and are often used in technical applications or signage.
This prefers the DIN family which is the font used for road signs in Germany.
"SF Pro Rounded", "Hiragino Maru Githic", "Quicksand", "Varela Round", "Nunito", "Lato", "Arial Rounded MT Bold", sans-serif
Rounded fonts are sans-serif but have rounded terminals.
Slab serif
"Roboto Slab", "Rockwell Nova", "Rockwell", "Sitka Small", "Noto Serif", serif
Slab serifs have more blocky serifs.
Didot, "Bodoni MT", "Noto Serif Display", "Playfair Display", "Abril Fatface", "URW Palladio L", "Noto Serif", serif
Didone serifs have very high contrast and thin serifs.
Narrow sans (display)
Oswald, Anton, Impact, "Arial Narrow", sans-serif
Bold, narrow sans-serif fonts, only for headings.
Print handwriting
"Segoe Print", "Bradley Hand", Comic Neue", "Comic Sans MS", "Comic Sans", "TSCu_Comic", "Coming Soon", "Knewave", casual, cursive
These mimic handwriting but without cursive (joined) letters.
"Segoe Script", "Lucida Handwriting", "Dancing Script", cursive
These mimic cursive (joined) handwriting.
Semi-humanist sans???
"DejaVu Sans", "Bitstream Vera Sans", Verdana, sans-serif
Wide, with good readability especially at small sizes on low-resolution screens.
Condensed semi-humanist sans???
"DejaVu Sans Condensed", Tahoma, sans-serif
Same as above, but not so wide.
1--- 2title: "Proposed system font stacks" 3topics: ["web", "typography", "fonts", "css", "design"] 4DATE: 2024-12-27 5--- 6 7I've seen [Modern Font Stacks]( I agree that there are many cases 8where system fonts are fine, but the stacks there have some problems, especially with GNU/Linux 9devices. 10 11On GNU/Linux, there are usually two sets of metrically-compatible Microsoft font clones: 12Liberation and GNU FreeFont. They have a huge difference. Liberation are original designs, but 13not very good ones. FreeFont are descended from TeX fonts, so they look almost exactly like 14Helvetica, Times and Courier. 15 16## The stacks 17 18### GUI 19 20``` 21system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, "Noto Sans", "Segoe UI", Inter, Cantarell, 22Ubuntu, "DejaVu Sans", "Bitstream Vera Sans", "Sans", "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", 23"Lucida Grande", sans-serif 24``` 25 26These fonts are used by the OS and designed to be pleasant to read at any size, and have features 27such as weights. 28 29Note how the intent is to avoid Arial and Liberation fonts, which are not very pleasant. 30 31* `system-ui` is a standard, but not all browsers support it. 32* `-apple-system` and `BlinkMacSystemFont` are pre-standard names for the system font that only 33work on Apple devices. 34* Roboto is the font in Android and some GNU/Linux distributions. 35* Noto Sans is the fallback font for Roboto, as well as the font of KDE. 36* Segoe UI is the font of Windows. 37* Inter will likely be the font of GNOME in the future. 38* Cantarell is the font of GNOME (at least until they change it to Inter). 39* Ubuntu is the font of Ubuntu (obviously). 40* DejaVu Sans was popular on many Unixes in the past. 41* Bitstream Vera Sans is the font DejaVu Sans was based on. 42* Sans usually refers to one of the above two fonts on GNU/Linux. 43* Helvetica Neue was the old font of MacOS and iOS. 44* Helvetica was the even older font of iOS. 45* Lucida Grande was the even older font of MacOS. 46* sans-serif is the generic sans-serif font. 47 48### Transitional serif 49 50``` 51Charter, "Bitstream Charter", "Source Serif 4", "Source Serif Pro", source-serif-pro, "Noto Serif", 52"FreeSerif", "Nimbus Roman", "Times New Roman", "Times", serif 53``` 54 55Transitional serifs appeared around 1750 and feature medium contrast. 56 57The intent here is also to avoid Liberation Serif, so FreeSerif/Nimbus Roman (which are an 58actual clone of Times) are preferred to Times New Roman which falls back to Liberation Serif 59on most GNU/Linux distributions. In my opinion Cambria, used in the original Modern Font Stacks, 60is not a very nice font. 61 62### Old style serif 63 64``` 65Garamond, Palatino, "Palatino Linotype", "URW Palladio L", "Book Antiqua", "URW Bookman L", 66Bookman, P052, C059, serif; 67``` 68 69Old style serifs appeared early, in the Renaissance period, and were developed from calligraphy. 70 71### Humanist sans 72 73``` 74Cantarell, "Gill Sans Nova", "Gill Sans", "Gill Sans MT", Lato, "Source Sans Pro", "Source Sans 3", 75source-sans-pro, Skeena, Candara, Ubuntu, "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida Sans", 76"Trebuchet MS", sans-serif 77``` 78 79Humanist sans serifs, unlike neo-grotesques, have rounder shapes and more stroke contrast, and 80usually, true italics. 81 82This is very different from the Modern Font Stacks one. I don't like the idea of using Ubuntu when 83Cantarell and Lato exist, which are much closer to a humanist font that isn't very unusual. 84 85### Geometric sans 86 87``` 88"Futura PT", "Futura LT", Futura, Lexend, "Readex Pro", Avenir, "Avenir Next", "Century Gothic", 89"Avant Garde", "URW Gothic", sans-serif 90``` 91 92Geometric sans serifs are usually based on circles and straight lines. They first appeared in the 931920s. 94 95Again, I've included some free fonts that don't suck. 96 97### Neo-grotesque GUI 98 99``` 100Roboto, Inter, "SF Pro", Aptos, Geist, FreeSans, "Nimbus Sans", "Helvetica Neue", system-ui, -apple-system, 101BlinkMacSystemFont, sans-serif 102``` 103 104Neo-grotesque fonts are a category of sans-serif typefaces that have more complex shapes than 105geometric fonts, but lower contrast than humanist fonts. This stack prefers the more modern 106fonts which appeared in the digital era. 107 108Yes, I'm avoiding excessive spreading of Inter. 109 110### Neo-grotesque (Swiss) 111 112``` 113FreeSans, "Nimbus Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Aptos, Geist, Inter, Roboto, "SF Pro", 114"Microsoft Sans Serif", Arial, sans-serif 115``` 116 117This prefers Helvetica or its clones, more classic neo-grotesque fonts. 118 119### Monospace (slab/typewriter) 120 121``` 122"Courier Prime", FreeMono, "Cutive Mono", Nimbus Mono PS", "Courier New", Courier, monospace 123``` 124 125Monospaced fonts have the same width for all characters. This has a preference for fonts like 126Courier which use slab serifs and originate from typewriters. 127 128### Monospace (sans/code) 129 130``` 131ui-monospace, "Roboto Mono", "Source Code Pro", source-code-pro, "SF Mono", "IBM Plex Mono", 132Inconsolata, Menlo, Consolas, "Droid Sans Mono", "DMCA Sans Serif", "Hack", "DejaVu Sans Mono", 133"Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", monospace 134``` 135 136This prefers sans-serif monospace fonts that are not too quirky and are designed for technical 137applications. 138 139### FuN MoNoSpAcE 140 141``` 142"Cascadia Code", "Fira Code", "Fira Mono", "JetBrains Mono", "Ubuntu Mono", "Operator Mono", 143"Roboto Mono", "Source Code Pro", "SF Mono", "IBM Plex Mono", "Inconsolata", "Menlo", "Consolas", 144"Droid Sans Mono", "DMCA Sans Serif", "Hack", "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", 145monospace 146``` 147 148Of course, this prefers "fun" coding fonts with script italics, low f bar, unusual digits, and 149let's not forget ligatures! 150 151### I-wanna-be-a-mac 152 153``` 154"SF Pro", apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "San Francisco", Inter, Roboto, Geist, FreeSans, 155"Nimbus Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, "Arial Nova", "Arial", sans-serif 156``` 157 158This is for all who want to be like Apple - that is the major reason they prefer Inter. 159 160### I-wanna-be-a-mac mono 161 162``` 163"SF Mono", "JetBrains Mono", "Roboto Mono", ui-monospace, "Geist Mono", "Fira Mono", "Fira Code", 164Hack, "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", Menlo, Consolas, monospace 165``` 166 167This copies SF Mono. 168 169### Industrial 170 171``` 172"D-DIN", Bahnschrift, Grandview, "DIN Alternate", "FF DIN", "URW DIN", DIN, "Alte DIN", "Alte DIN 1451", 173"Alte DIN 1451 Mittelschrift", Barlow, "SF Compact", "SF Pro", Inter, Roboto, sans-serif 174``` 175 176Industrial typefaces generally use straight lines instead of ellipses, and are often used in 177technical applications or signage. 178 179This prefers the DIN family which is the font used for road signs in Germany. 180 181### Rounded 182 183``` 184"SF Pro Rounded", "Hiragino Maru Githic", "Quicksand", "Varela Round", "Nunito", "Lato", 185"Arial Rounded MT Bold", sans-serif 186``` 187 188Rounded fonts are sans-serif but have rounded terminals. 189 190### Slab serif 191 192``` 193"Roboto Slab", "Rockwell Nova", "Rockwell", "Sitka Small", "Noto Serif", serif 194``` 195 196Slab serifs have more blocky serifs. 197 198### Didone 199 200``` 201Didot, "Bodoni MT", "Noto Serif Display", "Playfair Display", "Abril Fatface", "URW Palladio L", 202"Noto Serif", serif 203``` 204 205Didone serifs have very high contrast and thin serifs. 206 207### Narrow sans (display) 208 209``` 210Oswald, Anton, Impact, "Arial Narrow", sans-serif 211``` 212 213Bold, narrow sans-serif fonts, only for headings. 214 215### Print handwriting 216 217``` 218"Segoe Print", "Bradley Hand", Comic Neue", "Comic Sans MS", "Comic Sans", "TSCu_Comic", 219"Coming Soon", "Knewave", casual, cursive 220``` 221 222These mimic handwriting but without cursive (joined) letters. 223 224### Cursive 225 226``` 227"Segoe Script", "Lucida Handwriting", "Dancing Script", cursive 228``` 229 230These mimic cursive (joined) handwriting. 231 232### Semi-humanist sans??? 233 234``` 235"DejaVu Sans", "Bitstream Vera Sans", Verdana, sans-serif 236``` 237 238Wide, with good readability especially at small sizes on low-resolution screens. 239 240### Condensed semi-humanist sans??? 241 242``` 243"DejaVu Sans Condensed", Tahoma, sans-serif 244``` 245 246Same as above, but not so wide. 247